Hatch Building is an emerging leader in the Canberra Construction Industry. 

Integrity and purpose defines us.

Striving for better continues to drive us forward.

With our vast experience in the construction industry here in Canberra we specialise in design, build and project management for the following types of projects:




With a strong focus on systematic workflows, we are always well positioned to deliver our projects with an efficient and thorough methodology.

In an industry that often suffers from high staff turnover and inexperienced management, our small team of highly experienced construction professionals allows us to have complete control over our projects with a strong focus to meeting stakeholders needs.


We believe many projects fail to meet expectation because of poor planning, lack of systematic control and a subsequent inability to sustain application for the project’s duration. 

Our approach is to front load energy into the project in the planning phase, using our best people for what is the most important part of the project. This allows us to set up a job correctly, and allows our systems to run smoothly and efficiently throughout the build. 

With fewer issues on site, it allows our team to maintain motivation and momentum to complete all our projects to the highest level.